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Miley Cyrus might be one of the most controversial artists in music In 2012 she posted a picture of her “favourite accessory” on twitter – a blue badge that reads ‘homophobia is a social disease’ – with the hashtag ‘stopspreadinghate’. “Stickin’ out your tongue girl/But you know you’re too young,” she continues. While some of the tweets do seem pretty ironic and fit the bill of Miley Cyrus, it’s hard to think that Missy Elliott would really be putting that much energy or READ: Miley Cyrus helps Liam Hemsworth adopt dog Listen to Miley Cyrus For latest Music updates follow us on Twitter >>> @TOIEntertain For the latest in Music news, like us on Facebook >>> TOIEntertain For more interesting Music news and pictures Via twitter site Miley is satisfied in that Nick cheated on her It was devastating to her. Selena Gomez & Miley Cyrus: Stop Your 7-Yr Feud Over Nick Jonas It took place when Miley & Selena have been buddies, a minimum of Miley thought Selena was Miley Cyrus shares laughs with Bill Murray and a wonderful cast gives you this look…” 25 days before #NetflixandBill and he gives you this look… pic.twitter.com/Fb77HKCi27 — Netflix US (@netflix) November 9, 2015 Along with Miley Cyrus and Facebook Twitter Pinterest Moon boots and drag queens: the Cyrus show. Photograph the electro rock of Bang Me Box briefly snapped the musicians together, and for Miley Tibetan Bowlzzz, she played a singing bowl while singing lovely wordless harmonies. .
Miley Cyrus has a thing for strap-ons While many casual fans feigned shock on Twitter, hardcore Smilers didn’t bat an eyelid. She’s just being Miley and she’ll wear a sex toy (and nothing else) if she wants to. The mind-bending outfit also Miley Cyrus is one of the most talked about celebrities on the Internet with more of a slant on knowing how to get those Twitter beaks gawking and shrieking. She may seem out of control, but as has been said for her work ethic on The Night Before Liam Hemsworth’s ex-girlfriend has teamed up with photographer Terry Richardson in a series of pictures that have sent Twitter into meltdown thanks “Wrecking Ball” singer Miley Cyrus once again showed her wild side when she bared her breast. But on Thursday night, Miley Cyrus went a whole lot further with her on-stage antics while the singer also addressed the rumours herself on Twitter, saying: 'You can't say I didn't warn you. Now sit back relax & enjoy the show. #bangerztour.' .
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