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She has lost more than 65,000 followers judged real Each audit takes a random sample of 5000 Twitter followers for a user and calculates a score for each follower. This score is based on number of tweets, date of the last tweet, and ratio of followers Not that he didn’t attempt to broker a peace with his more rabid followers: Any more wackadoos out there? I'm thinking of buying an island you can turn into a little fascist ultra right wing paradise. While it is true that ISIS regularly radicalizes its followers worldwide through the use of social In a YouTube video released by Anonymous, they claimed that #OpParis has exposed more than 25,000 Twitter accounts of ISIS supporters and more than New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi now has more than 16 million followers on the micro-blogging site Twitter and this comes in just a span of two months. A statement from Twitter read, “In a span of two months, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi But he waited more than seven years to finally write his first And then there's Berkshire Hathaway (BRKB) CEO Warren Buffett, who joined Twitter in April 2013 and has 1.1 million followers -- despite tweeting only seven times. His last tweet was WHY SHOULD YOU JOIN THE72? With over 34,000 followers on Twitter and with 100′s of thousands views a month, The72 is one of the largest and most diverse unofficial Football League websites on the internet. Writing for The72 will not only give you a .

nor does it reflect the fact that some people Tweeting these URLs might have many more followers than others" Other buttons don't show share counts: "The count was built in a time where the only button on the web was from Twitter. Today, it’s most more than 2000 followers and some of its tweets have been retweeted more than 600 times. The account has also created a trend of sorts with more traffic signals joining in on the fun: on Wednesday, three similar-sounding Twitter handles were in action Twitter was made for daily usage so don’t abandon Twitter for more than a day if you have to but watch out for constant tweeting as followers will start unfollowing you if you tweet everytime you every 10 minutes even though you don’t have anything He's since taken his poetry to the social media masses, where he has over 28,000 Instagram followers and over 6,000 Twitter followers. The poet is best known for his work inspired by growing up in Regent Park, Canada's largest and oldest housing project. .

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