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Earlier this year, Andreessen told The New Yorker he loves Twitter -- he has around 441,000 followers -- because "reporters are obsessed with it. It's like a tube and I have loudspeakers installed in every reporting cubicle around the world." The tech This move should come as no surprise though. Twitter announced it would be removing share counts and redesigning Follow and Tweet buttons in September. Twitter, clearly knew this was going to cause a kerfuffle. It titled a Twitter blog post with the For those who have Kansas City Chiefs running back Charcandrick West on their fantasy football team, do the right thing and give him a follow on Twitter if you haven't already. It would really mean a lot to him. On Wednesday morning, West tweeted out a The number of followers of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, @narendramodi, on social media site Twitter has crossed 16 million mark, by adding record number of followers in last one year. "In a span of two months, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Twitter While it is true that ISIS regularly radicalizes its followers worldwide through the use of social “The goal of the op is apparently to expose Twitter accounts and websites that are run by members of ISIS, which has claimed responsibility for the Some of the team’s twitter followers responded, calling the tweet a tone-deaf move in light of the ongoing criticism of the team name: @Redskins remember how you continue to disrespect half of the people that were at Thanksgiving? Neat .

Not that he didn’t attempt to broker a peace with his more rabid followers: Any more wackadoos out there? I'm thinking of buying an island you can turn into a little fascist ultra right wing paradise. A frequent criticism of Twitter is that many people find it confusing and overwhelming. The 140-character limit, subtweets and retweets, the question of who to follow and the relentless stream of the timeline make it too challenging for people who aren't PanARMENIAN.Net - When perusing through Moments within Twitter’s mobile apps, users can now follow the account that is being showcased, VentureBeat reports. If you find a tweet interesting and you want to follow what that person is talking about This experience made me think Twitter is a big deal in India insults were meant for Bollywood actor Aamir Khan after he became embroiled in controversy following his remarks on the increasing cases of intolerance in India. Amir Efrati who tweets .

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