Twitter Etiquette

Twitter Etiquette: Stop The Direct Message Horror | DEEP3R Social By
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Whether tweeting as yourself or from a brand account, there are certain guidelines—let's call them rules of the road—by which we all must abide. When people don't follow proper twitter etiquette, we all cringe, it's awkward, everyone feels deflated In our beginner's guide about how to get started on Twitter, we examined the basics of the social networking service that allows you to share short messages (140 characters or less) with friends, family and colleagues. But like any social network, the Every so often you see a tweet that makes you cringe. Were you ever the one who wrote it? With millions of people tweeting about their jobs, politicians, celebrities and even their favorite sandwich, it's easy to tweet without thinking or tweet in anger. A blunt lesson in twitter etiquette for novelist Mohsin Hamid, author of the bestselling The Reluctant Fundamentalist, comes from Nesrine Malik at the Guardian’s Comment Is Free blog. In promotion mode for his new novel How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Tweets are the soundbites that you don't even chew over. Before they even come into your head in some full form, you thrust them out onto the world in the hope of instant approbation. You might imagine that rappers, who live in the rhythm of words, would More than two years after joining Twitter, I still find myself the target of blank stares more often than I'd like to admit. When it comes to skepticism, I've heard just about anything you can imagine, with most dismissive questions usually taking on some .

Because it’s just a messaging platform, Twitter is far less complex than Facebook. Nevertheless, misuse and abuse seem at least as common on the former as on the latter. Some of our favorite twitter etiquette rules follow. Reconsider the running commentary. Like any social network, the Twitter community has its own set of unwritten guidelines - or etiquette - that dictates good (or bad) behavior on the service. Some people call it Twittequette. We call our tips guidelines, instead of rules, because Twitter Because it's just a messaging platform, Twitter is far less complex than Facebook. Nevertheless, misuse and abuse seem at least as common on the former as on the latter. Some of our favorite Twitter etiquette rules follow. Reconsider the running commentary. .

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h3>Another Picture of twitter etiquette:
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