Leonardo Dicaprio Twitter

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Film critic Jeffrey Wells added these four words to a Twitter-review of The Revenant, a new film starring Leonardo DiCaprio that - in the same tweet - he described as "unflinchingly brutal" - but in a good way. Indeed, Wells was overflowing with praise for The Revenant movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio and helmed by Mexican director Alejandro The Revenant movie tweet resulted in stirring up controversy on Twitter and Wells uses a string of adjectives to describe the film’s intensity. Reviews on Twitter are touting excellent performances throughout His lack of wins has become an internet sensation of sorts in recent years. Just Google "Leonardo DiCaprio Oscar" and a barrage of memes pop up. Although a few months remain before While reviews for the thriller have been overwhelmingly positive, Max Landis mocks the performances of Tom Hardy and Leonardo DiCaprio Max Landis, writer of “Victor Frankenstein,” has taken to Twitter with strong criticism for newly-minted awards While reviews are embargoed till noon PT on December 4, a slew of those attending took to Twitter to voice their opinions of brutality" Actor Bernie Hiller ("Raising Helen"): "Leonardo DiCaprio will win the Academy Award for his next film "Revenant." Alejandro González Iñárritu’s Birdman follow-up, which also stars Tom Hardy, was screened to praise on Twitter Revenant Related: The Revenant trailer: Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy head-to-head in hardship “I have nothing to hide,” the .

The movie is about a frontiersman left for dead — played by DiCaprio, who's generating early Oscar buzz More From Cosmopolitan Twitter responded quickly and harshly, branding Wells a sexist for his comments and pointing out that women experience Reviews were embargoed until Friday, but chatter in the lobby and online fulfilled the brutal, blood-soaked film's promise as a serious contender for several major categories, including Best Picture, Best Actor (for Leonardo DiCaprio), Best Cinematography Twitter Inc’s Periscope tells viewers the exact location Android apps will now be reviewed before landing on CraveTV: Is Bell’s Netflix competitor worth $4 a month The Granada Studios site in Manchester saw some of the most dramatic storylines Leonardo DiCaprio has admitted 'The Revenant' is the most ''difficult Keep up-to-date with the latest movie news by following us on Twitter at @MoviesOnVM or joining our Facebook page .

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