Twitter Accounts

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The Panthers' official Twitter account provided a visual for how Coleman read the route concept and jumped all over Romo's telegraphed pass: Take another look at @k4coleman's pick-6! #CARvsDAL 🎥: Hacker group Anonymous' declaration of war on ISIS-related social media accounts has hit a bizarre stumbling block. While the group released what it said was a hit list of 20,000 pro-ISIS twitter accounts via anonymous-text sharing site Pastebin, the list hit going forward as revenue from Twitter's Audience Platform makes up a larger percentage of ad revenue. Analyst Michael Nathanson of MoffettNathanson believes revenue from the ad network will account for 10% of Twitter's total ad revenue in 2015. The inside track on Washington politics. Be the first to know about new stories from PowerPost. Sign up to follow, and we’ll e-mail you free updates as they’re published. You’ll receive free e-mail news updates each time a new story is published. The fingers behind the keyboard of Trinity GAA’s Twitter account have garnered quite a cult following since they sent their first tweet in October of last year. The style of comedic tweeting, often featuring tongue-in-cheek comments about the match, the (Photo by Adam Berry/Getty Images) The plan, according to a tweet by the Anonymous-affiliated account #OpParis Wednesday, is to flood the Twitter feeds of Islamic State supporters and members with links to the video of Astley’s song in order to sabotage .

In this article, we will explain Twitter for you in the simplest way possible. Creating your account Before you go on and create your Twitter account; decide if you want to engage with the community and connect with professionals and colleagues or just In the latest in a series of highly-entertaining twitter accounts, "Auspol Karaoke" gets your favourite Australian politicians off the parliamentary floor and onto the dance floor. Arguably inspired by another hilarious Twitter account, "ISIS Karaoke," you Jeff Bezos launches a rocketand lands it Bezos, who has a verified account but only about 25,000 followers as of Tuesday afternoon, isn't the only billionaire that's on Twitter in name only. Oracle (ORCL, Tech30) CEO Larry Ellison has only tweeted once. One 27-year-old man is using it for quite different reasons. Daniel Park started running the @NFLPrayers Twitter account in February 2014, and for nearly two years he's been using it to pray for the health, safety and salvation of NFL players, coaches .

Another Picture of twitter accounts:

Using IMG shortcode

How to Create Twitter Account

Another Picture of twitter accounts:

Using IMG shortcode

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h3>Another Picture of twitter accounts:
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Cloud Speech Bubble

h3>Another Picture of twitter accounts:
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h3>Another Picture of twitter accounts:
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